Domain Registration

Start Your Domain Search Here!

Domains starting at $16.99/year!
Risk Free Transfers Includes a 1-year extension. Starting at $16.99
Private Registrations No spam, scams, or prying eyes! Only $5.00/yr
Domain Forwarding & Masking
Direct different WWW addresses to an existing site.
When someone types your domain name into a browser, they will automatically be forwarded/redirected to whatever URL you choose.
With masking, users don't see the underlying address; only what they type.
Auto Renew Protection
Keep your domain name secure by automatically renewing your registration.
Never worry about forgetting to do it manually.
You'll keep your domains, hosting, Web site builders and other products where they belong: in your name, in your account and under your control!
Total DNS Control
Manage your domain name server (DNS) records, set your email, FTP, sub-directories, web site location, and more.
Our Domain Control Center makes it easy.
Change of Registration**
Assign your domain name to another registrant, right online. You can change all four contact fields for the domain whenever you want.
**Note: changes of registrant's name are not available for .UK names without a fee from the Registry
Status Alerts
Monitor key status indicators to your domain and get instant alerts if there's any change.
DomainAlert® Pro Backordering and other services available.
Domain Locking
Prevent anyone from making changes to your domain's vital ownership/administrative information.
Domain Locking prevents unauthorized or accidental transfers, and stops anyone from misdirecting your name servers.