Archive for Web Hosting

What IS A Content Delivery Network, Exactly?

What Is A CDN?

I’m sure you’ve heard on at least one occasion that content delivery networks are awesome. They significantly improve the speed at which your website can deliver content. Not only does that make for a better user experience, there’s also mounting evidence that faster-loading pages tend to rank higher than those that load slowly (though not, perhaps, for the reasons that you might think).

Sounds like a pretty good deal across the board, no? Read more

What’s The Difference Between Reseller And Shared Hosting?

Shared And Reseller Hosting Difference

Let’s be honest – the world of web hosting can be incredibly confusing, especially if you’re a first timer. How do you know where you should start? More importantly, how can you avoid making the wrong choice?

Don’t worry – it’s not as overwhelming as you’d think. All that’s really required is a bit of research. Once you know what’s available to you, figuring out which package you should choose is actually pretty trivial – assuming you know what your business needs.

We’ll help you along in that. Read more

How to Switch Web Hosts in 5 Quick Steps

Have you or your website outgrown your current host? Do you want to see if the grass is greener on the other side? People fear switching web hosts for a variety of reasons, but it shouldn’t be a hassle to move. Switching hosts can actually be done with no downtime at all, and although your IP address will be different, your domain name will stay the same. Below, I’ve listed a handful of quick steps that will have you ready for a quick and issue-free migration.

1. Stay with your old host for a few days

To avoid potential downtime to your website, maintain your agreement with your old host for for 48 to 72 hours until you’ve confirmed that the switch was properly completed. Additionally, to avoid any possibility of early termination, you may want to refrain from informing your old host that you are leaving until the process is complete. Read more

3 Reasons You Should Choose MODX For Your Business Site

Among the huge enormous variety of content management systems that are available for business building their site, MODX tends to be overlooked. That’s a shame, because MODX is a fast and powerful content management system that provides businesses with the ability to build everything from a simple blog to a complex publishing platform.

MODX differs from a CMS like WordPress in many ways, and potential users might not be familiar with it. WordPress seems to be almost the default option for business sites. To readdress that, in this article I’d like to highlight three strengths that make MODX a great option for businesses. Read more

A Content Distribution Network Can Improve User Experience And Conversion Rates

Any experienced website owner will be so familiar with the idea that performance and low-latency are good things that it seems almost condescending to point it out. And yet, every year millions of dollars in potential income from advertising revenue and sales are lost because solo site owners and SMEs aren’t investing sufficient time and effort to ensure that their sites are fast enough to provide a good experience for users.

Most of us are using a content management system of some sort, whether that’s WordPress, Joomla!, or Drupal, all of which need a helping hand when it comes to delivering assets as quickly as possible. That’s usually accomplished with some form of caching, but no amount of on-server caching is going to help a site overcome the laws of physics. Read more

Choosing Reliable FFmpeg Hosting

FFmpeg hosting clients have very specific needs, and those needs are not always met by standard shared hosting providers. To offer the best possible experience to a site’s users, it’s necessary to ensure that the hosting platform that webmasters choose for their site offers capabilities that are tailored to the unique requirements of video and audio sharing platforms.

To help clients make the best choice for their site, we’re going to have a look at the services and infrastructure that they can expect from a high-quality FFmpeg hosting company.


Users of video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo have come to expect a level of user experience that is not easy to replicate for a hosting company without the same enormous resources as a company like Google. To build a robust and loyal community of sharers, it’s necessary to provide very fast video conversion and streaming. No one like to wait for hours while their videos are uploaded and encoded, so high performance servers with plenty of processing power and bandwidth are essential. Read more

SEO Tips For Video Sharing Sites

Video sharing sites pose a particular set of problems for search engine optimization. Google’s crawlers can’t interpret video content and so rely on the textual content and markup that surrounds the videos to get an idea of the terms for which videos should be ranked. It’s likely that Google is going to get better at interpreting video content in the future — they’re certainly working on artificial intelligence algorithms that recognize the subject of moving images and that can pull textual transcriptions out of videos — but the technology in its current form is rudimentary, and so owners of video sharing sites should make sure to optimize the pages their videos appear on properly.

Great Content

At the core of any SEO strategy is the creation of high-quality content that encourages viewers to post links to the site. The better the content, the more likely it is to garner the back links and social shares that will help a site to rank in the SERPs. Read more

Hosting Your Own Videos Is Better For Business Than Using YouTube. Here’s Why.

Video is fast becoming the lifeblood of online marketing, branding, and communication. Done properly, it’s an incredibly effective medium for increasing awareness, engagement, and generating traffic. However, many businesses and webmasters shoot themselves in the foot by using third-party video hosting services like YouTube and Vimeo. While there are clear advantages to using YouTube in some cases, including increased exposure, the fact that your content is living on someone else’s site can limits the sort of content you can publish and what you can do with it.

The alternative is self-hosting a video sharing site that bestows many of the same benefits as using YouTube, while ensuring that you remain firmly in control of your content. So, why should you be using a self-hosted video sharing site rather than YouTube and its competitors? Read more

FFmpeg Hosting: Build Audiences With A Video Sharing Website

Video sharing sites are hugely popular. From YouTube and Vimeo to Twitter’s short video sharing social network Vine, video is fast becoming the favored medium of many online creatives. The increasing prevalence of smartphone cameras capable of recording high quality video and immediately uploading them to the Internet creates an enormous volume of video data.

That popularity creates an opportunity for web entrepreneurs to build sites that provide a space for the video sharing requirements of niche markets and communities. Back in the day, those groups were catered to by forums, but, in the coming years, video sharing and the communities that grow around them will become increasingly important. Read more